About Us

Ken and Joy’s story on taking over for Handsome Dan &The French Girl.

Ken and Joy embarked on the journey of purchasing Handsome Dan’s from Handsome Dan and The French Girl in the summer of 2020 amongst all the chaos of covid-19.

They were looking for a business they could call their own and were excited to tackle this new challenge!

The journey here was not easy – they spent 6 months apart while trying to sell their house in Saskatchewan, and then in late April 2021 they got some wonderful news – their current tenant insurer in BC said they would cover a landlord policy for a house in SK.

In May 2021 Ken gave away or had to throw away 98% of the household items they had collected over the years – since they were moving from a huge house in SK just over 3000 sq ft with an extra wide 2 car garage into a less than 650 sq. Ft basement suite in BC.

The transition of purchasing Handsome Dan’s and moving halfway across the country during a pandemic none the less wasn’t the easiest but they got through and now they are excited to expand and build Handsome Dan’s vacation rental property management in Port Renfrew and across the island to help cottage owners see a return on their investment, and for guests to have an amazing experience from the time they book their vacation till the time they leave; and even after raving about the experience they had at a Handsome Dan property.

Ken had always loved Vancouver Island and the pair saw a lovely opportunity with a homegrown vacation rental business that seemed to be doing well. A too brief exploratory trip confirmed for them that a move to the south island was what they wanted. The first evening on the island they saw a seal swim up to them off the dock. There was green vegetation everywhere and it wasn’t even spring or summer!

Ken and Joy wasted no time and bought Handsome Dan’s in December of 2020. They are excited to write the next chapter of their adventures together and hope you will join them in experiencing the natural beauty of Vancouver Island.

Port Renfrew is a favourite destination for a day or overnight trip on Vancouver Island. Each visit, no matter what time of year you are consumed by the natural magnificence of this little community and the earthly beauty that surrounds it.

We invite you to stay in our cottages and enjoy a few days, or weeks any time of the year. There is much to do and see. Or simply do nothing for extended periods of time, but sit quietly and listen to the ocean. All of the cottages are privately owned and decorated to the taste of the owners. We invite you to look at them and are excited to share this special place with you.